edwards hart


Edwards Hart Training Competition Winners!

We have been awarded  funding due to our success in the  Home Decarbonisation Skills Training competition from the Department for Energy Security and Net Zero. Now through our training arm, the Environment Study Centre, we can offer funded training places for the two-day course in retrofitting of traditional buildings achieving the Level 3 award qualification. The course is led by traditional buildings expert our Director Professor John Edwards who said: “We are delighted to have won this competition and the prize is that we can provide funded expert training”. Professor Edwards added: “We can genuinely boast about our expertise in older buildings, because we are experts and not just trainers, and when you come on our course you find out why so many people have done our course compared to others”. We were the creators of the course in 2015 with it original qualification and over the past eight years nearly one and a half thousand have trained with us.

There is likely to be high demand and the Environment Study Centre is  currently taking expressions of interest, so if you live in England and are either working on housing retrofit or intend to in the future, this could be suitable for you. Express your interest here.