edwards hart


Edwards Hart Expertise in Demand

Our expertise is in demand not just in the analysis of buildings and in developing and delivery of projects, but also in knowledge sharing. At Edwards Hart, we care about tomorrow and endeavour to pass on our expertise to others – even to our competitors!

As well as delivering leading training courses in what we do, but we also speak at many conferences and events. Looking back last year included the IHBC Annual School in Swansea on the subject of retrofitting historic and traditional buildings. Here our Director Professor John Edwards, the IHBC Technical Panel Chair, put together the programme, and chaired, as seen in the image, the big debate on the retrofit of traditional and historic buildings.

Looking forward, this week Professor Edwards will take centre stage as the main speaker at a CIOB retrofit event in Birmingham, this is followed by another retrofit event for those managing historic and cultural heritage estates in London, a building surveying conference in the midlands followed by a non-domestic retrofit building conference in Bristol and then talking about retrofit at a major housing conference in Cardiff, with much more to follow, including a major housing retrofit event in London. Professor Edwards commented: “It is essential that at conferences, you receive expert and honest views from speakers, and that has always been my endeavour”.

Our expertise has also extended to working on the development of standards and guidance through the work of Professor Edwards which includes PAS 2030, PAS 2035, PAS 2038, the recently published RICS Retrofit Standard, as well authoring CIOB Retrofit Guidance and IHBC Retrofit Guidance and lead authoring BS7913.

If you would like any information on the above, please get in touch info@edwardhart.co.uk